Tens Thousands Hotmail Password Leaks on the Internet


hackerSome 10,000 users password-Hotmail email based website service , suddenly leaked on the internet. Cautioned the police told each user to immediately change their password.

Embarrassing incident for the technology giant Microsoft is due to a massive attack through the action of phishing. Action was carried out by hackers launched initially by creating fake websites used to deceive users in order to submit a Hotmail email address and password.

Dozens of acquired data is then posted by the actors who disguised into a site intended for developers to share code, pastebin.com on October 1.

So far the list of victims is their email address begins with alphabets A and B are mostly based in Europe. Quoted from the BBC, Tuesday (6/10/2009) users, including the victim was wearing his account to access Windows Live Hotmail, with an email address that end with @hotmail.com, @ msn.com, @ live.com.

To prevent this list grew longer, the authorities gave warning to all Hotmail users, to change the password.

Feared, this attack will be used for dangerous things like stealing credit card info on. "We warned people to do with the change password response," said a spokesman from the Metropolitan Police.


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