Nintendo, World Best Companies


nintendoDo not hesitate anymore, this is the era of technology. One proof is that the world's 40 best companies, at the top is Nintendo, followed by Google and Apple.

As quoted from GamePolitics, Wednesday (7/10/2009), Nintendo was crowned as the world's best corporate version of BusinessWeek. Nintendo was in the top 40 list of world's best companies compiled by consulting firm AT Kearney to BusinessWeek.

Japanese game companies are referred to as the company continues to innovate and be able to cope with difficult economic conditions. Over the past five years sales increased during the Nintendo 36 percent per year.

This list is not arranged arbitrarily. Initially the 2500 largest companies whose shares are listed on the public. The first filter is to have sales of at least EUR 10 billion.

To be crowned as world-class company should not be a company champion. Therefore, the next filter is a company that at least 25 percent are from outside the region.

Finally, the rating is based on sales growth and adding value during the last five years.

In the second position after Nintendo was the search engine giant Google. Whereas in the third position is a known Apple Inc. over the iPhone, iPod and Macintosh computer line.


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